Looking For A Specific Juicing Plan? - Healthy Juicing
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Looking For A Specific Juicing Plan?

Lose 10 Pounds Juicing ProgramAre you trying to lose weight with juicing but can’t get it to work?

Every day, I get emails from people all around the world. Many of them are stay-at-home moms and people interested in improving their health and wellbeing.

The good news is that with juicing, anyone with can improve their health and wellbeing. Anyone can boost their immune system, improve their metabolism, get into shape and feel great.

It’s a simple process. More on that in a minute.

Many years ago, Winston Churchill said “He who fails to plan is planning to fail”.

You see what he’s getting at?

Churchill is saying that without a plan, we are…

Setting ourselves up for failure.


Not good, is it?

Think about juicing for a moment.

Why do you juice? Are you trying to lose weight? If so, is it working? Do you wake up each day feeling sexier than the day before?

If not,

what’s the problem?

If you’re like most people, the problem is that you don’t have a plan.

You heard about the benefits of juicing and decided to try it.

But rather than getting a clear idea how to make the most of the benefits of juicing, you just grabbed a few juicing recipes from a book or from a website.

At first, juicing made you feel great, giving you lots more energy. You even started to lose weight.

But eventually, you started to feel like something wasn’t working.

Juicing was good… but it wasn’t great…

The problem is the plan. Or in this case, the lack of a plan.

Remember Churchill?


“He or she who fails to plan is planning to fail”.

When you started juicing, did you get a plan?

If not, this is the reason why you are not getting the results from juicing that would like.

If you want to succeed with juicing, you need a plan.

Hang on – what does “succeed with juicing” mean?

Put it this way. When you succeed with juicing, you’ll be at your ideal weight and you’ll love the body you see in the mirror. Your skin will glow and your smile will radiate warmth. You will be filled with energy and you’ll find that you don’t need as much sleep as usual.

You get the picture?

Let’s get back to that plan.

What if there was a step-by-step plan that made it simple and straightforward to lose weight with juicing? Not only would it help you to lose weight, but it would enable you to experience the amazing benefits that everyone is talking about. The juicing plan would be so simple that the only thing you needed to do would be to follow it.

Imagine if it came with a program, with recipes, shopping lists and a guide that explained how to use it.

Wouldn’t that be great?

If you had a plan like that, you would be

Planning to succeed.


Are you with me?


Let’s summarize the above –

  1. Without a plan, you are planning to fail.
  2. Without a plan, your results with juicing will be average at best.
  3. Therefore, you need a plan if you want to lose weight with juicing and get the benefits.

Simple, isn’t it?

What if I could give you the step-by-step juicing plan that I described above? Would you jump up and down in delight and want to get started right away?

If you’re serious about succeeding with juicing,

Of course you would.


I have put together a delightful juicing plan. It comes with a 14 day program, over 30 recipes, shopping lists, and a quick start guide.

To learn more, click here.

I created a short video presentation that explains the details. Watch the video and find out how to lose 10 pounds in 2 weeks with juicing.

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