Antioxidant Juice | Juicing Makes the Best Antioxidant Drink

Antioxidant Juice

Make Your Own Antioxidant Drink!

In health circles, antioxidant juice seems to be the new thing.

Grab a bottle from the store and get your daily serving of fruits and vegetables. Simple, easy and effective (right…).

For the health conscious individual, antioxidant juice is the ultimate quick fix. Just slam down a bottle and you’re done with your plant food for the day.


Are they all they claim to be?

On the Juicing Basics page, I mention that you should drink your juice immediately after making it.


As soon as you’ve juiced your fruit and vegetables, it immediately begins breaking down. The longer you leave it, the lower the nutritional content when you drink it.

When you don’t drink your juice right away, you are letting important vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and phytonutrients go to waste. For most people, juicing is about being healthy so it defeats the purpose if you don’t drink your juice right away. To get the benefits of juicing, it needs to be fresh.

What about antioxidant drinks?

The laws of nature don’t change here. Packaged juices (regardless of the health claims on the label) are still bound by the same laws. As time since production increases, nutritional content decreases. When you consider that an antioxidant drink bought in the store had to be juiced, bottled, transported and finally served, it’s not reasonable to expect it to be high in nutrients.

This isn’t about being a purist or anti-commercialist. It’s simply a fact that companies would rather you be ignorant of.

But they’re so easy!

I know, right. Fast food, catching the elevator and sleeping in are all easy too. That doesn’t make them good for you.

In my opinion, one of the reasons people love these juices is that they’re so easy. Most people aren’t willing to invest time and energy into being healthy and taking care of their body. They chase the quick fix instead. And while antioxidant juice may be better than standard store-bought orange juice, it’s a long way from home-made fruit and vegetable juice.

If you’re trying to get the benefits of antioxidants, you’re much better off making your own juice.

Here’s a simple rule to follow.

Don’t eat or drink processed food.

This one simple rule will save you a lot of trouble. If the food you come across is made in a factory you’ll probably never see, don’t eat it. The longer the time between when it was made and when it reached you, the worse it’s going to be (in terms of your health).

Follow this rule every day and you will lose weight, have more energy, easily deal with stress and enjoy life more. The benefits of healthy eating cannot be overstressed.

Make your own antioxidant juice!

Rather than buying nutritionally sub-par packaged “antioxidant” juice, use juicing to get your fill of antioxidants.

Increasing your consumption of fruits and vegetables has been proven to reduce your risk of cancer, heart disease, stroke, Alzheimer’s, aging, and countless other diseases. The potent antioxidants that they contain are one the main contributing factors in this.

You can eat your plant food (which I strongly encourage) and you can juice it.

Juicing isn’t necessary, but it certainly allows you to fill your body with plentiful antioxidant juice. Think of the antioxidants from beetroot, spinach, grapefruit, kiwi fruit, lemon and orange – all in one juice. The perfect antioxidant cocktail.

Smash disease to smithereens. Start juicing.

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