Stop Crying And Start Acting
Are yo
u sick of being unhealthy? Are you tired of having no energy? Have you had enough of the person in the mirror?
That’s great to hear.
But what are you doing about it?
How many diets have you been on, only to return? How many times have you given up? How many times have you gone crawling back to unhealthy food?
If you’re sick of being unhealthy, congratulations. You’ve taken the first step to recovery. But if you’re complaining about it, please stop. Don’t complain and don’t make excuses.
Most of the time, who’s fault is it that you are unhealthy? Aside from the obvious influence of parents, YOU are almost entirely responsible for your health. If you’re fat, it’s because YOU choose to eat too much. If you’re unhealthy, it’s because YOU have not been making healthy choices.
Look, I don’t mean to be tough. In some cases, a person may have very little control. Perhaps they had an accident. Perhaps there was nothing else to eat. Yada yada yada…
All that is unimportant.
What’s important is what you are doing about it.
So… what are you doing about it?
Are you complaining or are you acting? Are you making excuses or are you doing something about your state?
You see, getting healthy is very simple. You don’t need books. You don’t need the latest ab exercise machine that they sell on TV during the middle of the night. You don’t need diet pills.
What you need are fresh fruits and vegetables. You need nutrients. Unfortunately, most of the crap that’s in the supermarket has very little nutritional value. Biscuits, soda, and chips are not healthy. Even so-called “health food” in supermarkets is usually processed and overloaded with sugar.
If you want to get healthy, you need to start juicing. You need fresh fruit and vegetable juice.
But that’s not all.
You’re on a juicing website. I respect that. It means that you’re trying to get healthy. But that’s not enough. On its own, juicing won’t do much. Sure, you’ll be better off than you were before, but you need to make some bigger changes than simply adding fresh fruit and vegetable juice.
Getting healthy is as much about what you don’t eat as what you eat. More than 90% of what you find in the supermarket is stuff that you shouldn’t be eating. You don’t need it. It’s junk, and it does nothing for your body. When you go to the supermarket, I want you to start focusing on the fresh food area. Heck, if possible, you want to visit that area only. Grab some meat unless you’re a vegan (meat is a-ok – I LOVE meat!). Frozen and canned vegetables can be ok in some cases. However, you want to get as much fresh stuff as humanly possible.
So now you’re juicing and eating lots of fresh fruits and vegetables. That’s cool. But again, that’s not enough. Oh, and stop eating grains! They’re killing you.
You need to exercise. You need to MOVE. Sure, walking helps. Walk more often. Walk to work. To the train station. Sell your car if you like. But you need to do more than that. You need to break a sweat. You need to do intense exercise 3 times a week. The rest of the time, stay active. Use a standing desk instead of sitting down. Do a bunch of stuff like that.
Like I said, being healthy is simple. Eat healthy, don’t eat bad food and train hard.