Why Juicing and Health Is So Important - Healthy Juicing

Why Juicing and Health Is So Important

Juicing for healthHow important is your health? Is it one of the most important things in your life? Do you strive to improve your health as much as possible?

If not, you probably should. Start juicing for health and healing. Actually, do what you like.

I think that a state of total health and vitality is our natural state. Back when we lived in the jungle, do you think we were fat? Do you think we suffered from things like cancer, heart disease, and arthritis?

I don’t think so.

Also, I think (and I hear) that we were a lot happier. Indigenous tribes with relatively little Western influence tend to be happier than we are. That’s impossible to measure, so it’s a bit of a guess.

But it makes sense.

Indigenous tribes don’t care about Porsches, nice clothes and what’s on TV tonight. They care about getting food and building shelter. Once they have met their basic needs, they relax. They have fun. They dance. They have sex. They play.

Ahhhh, the life of a forager sounds pretty damn sweet.

How far have we departed from this!

These days, we are clogged, in all sorts of ways.

Unhealthy and unnatural foods are destroying our bodies and minds. We have less energy than any other time in history. We are suffering from all sorts of debilitating diseases. We have become victims of our own ambition. We strived to change the world, yet in many ways, we’re only doing damage to it.

Along with our bodies, our minds suffer from inattention and poor thinking. More people are depressed than ever before. More people are unhappy. More people are sick of life.


Now imagine if it were different. Imagine what it would feel like to feel like a god. Like you were meant to feel. Imagine returning to your natural state of supreme health and vitality. Imagine having the agility of a teenager and the speed of a toddler running around banging on saucepans.

That’s what juicing for health can do for you. The advantages of juicing are pretty damn rockin’.  They’ll transform your life. Weight loss juicing works, as well as juicing for acne, cancer, and diabetes. That’s what this site is for. It’s about a revolution in health. It’s about taking names and living the life you were born to live.



Let’s do it. Together. Sign up to the mailing list for free juicing recipes every day. You know you want to.

John McIntyre